New and improved gradient generator. *Now almost as good as Photoshop!*
Warning: I wrote this blog in 2010. That is a long time ago, especially on the internet. My opinions may have changed since then. Technological progress may have made this information completely obsolete. Proceed with caution.
You may recall that the gradients I use on this site (in the background images on the photos pages, and in the header above each comment) are dynamically generated. I made some significant improvements to the code over the holiday weekend, which I will discuss here.
First, the minor things. I’ve added support for If-Modified-Since header, so that no cached image is retrieve and no content is returned to the browser if the user has the image cached. In doing this I learned that PHP’s filectime does not actually return the time the file was created; rather, it returns the last time it was changed. I don’t really understand the difference between this and filemtime (time the file was modified), as they both seem to always return the same time. Oh well.
Next, I added support for 3-character colors (like 000 for black and f00 for red). This just makes sense if you’re used to dealing with them in CSS.
And finally, the big improvement is an implementation of error diffusion.1 Why did I need to do this? In some very gradual gradients, you would see bands of individual colors. Eight bits per channel just isn’t quite enough. For example, look at this gradient from 0x888888 to 0x444444:
You should be able to see vertical bands somewhere in that gradient. If not, it probably has to do with your monitor’s gamma settings or something. In any case, what I do to prevent this is keep a running sum of how far off each pixel is from its “true” color. When the absolute value of that sum is greater than 1, I adjust the color of the next pixel by one level in the appropriate direction to compensate. This gives a much smoother gradient:
This actually gives better results than Paint.NET and Paint Shop Pro. Here’s a close-up look at what that looks like, with pixel colors exaggerated:
It’s good, though it’s not quite as good as what you get in Photoshop:
Clearly the Photoshop guys are doing some kind of subpixel shading, since there are slightly colored pixels in a monochrome gradient. I guess they know what they’re doing.
Lastly, here is my PHP gradient generator source code, if you want to look under the covers and/or utilize the code.
Technically, it’s what I thought error diffusion was. But I read the Wikipedia article on error diffusion when writing this post, and now I’m pretty sure that what I did isn’t actually error diffusion. It’s kind of a similar process that I came up with all on my own.