Wordle Update!
Warning: I wrote this blog in 2022. That is a long time ago, especially on the internet. My opinions may have changed since then. Technological progress may have made this information completely obsolete. Proceed with caution.
A follow-up to yesterday’s post about Wordle!
I got some feedback on Facebook1:
And I think this is a good point. The algorithm should really favor more common letters, even if they are not in the most likely position, over letters that are in the most likely position but less common. So I’ve made an update to my code that discounts the per-position points to one one-thousandth of their original value. This essentially means that the per-position points only matter when breaking a tie between two words with the same letters, but in different orders (i.e. “RAISE” is a slightly better guess than “ARISE”).
Taking this into account, the best first guess would be one that uses the five most common letters (E S A R O). There was only one word in my list meeting that criteria, AROSE. However, some Googling showed that Wordle also accepts SOARE, an obsolete term for a hawk. When I add this to my word list, I also get it as the most common letter.
So here are the top 40 words with this new algorithm:
1: soare 42.65
2: arose 42.64
3: raise 41.77
4: arise 41.77
5: earls 41.68
6: reals 41.68
7: laser 41.67
8: aloes 41.65
9: tares 41.32
10: rates 41.32
11: tears 41.31
12: stare 41.28
13: aster 41.28
14: stoae 41.25
15: nares 40.77
16: earns 40.76
17: saner 40.76
18: nears 40.75
19: aisle 40.74
20: snare 40.74
21: elisa 40.73
22: aeons 40.72
23: eason 40.69
24: tales 40.30
25: taels 40.29
26: teals 40.28
27: slate 40.27
28: stale 40.26
29: least 40.26
30: tesla 40.25
31: stela 40.25
32: steal 40.25
33: dares 40.12
34: dears 40.10
35: reads 40.10
36: siena 39.83
37: anise 39.82
38: lanes 39.75
39: leans 39.74
40: elans 39.73